Hello all...ada some knowledge utk dikongsi that mights help you..
Winch yang biasanya diletakkan secara"mounted" on your four wheel drive vehicles bertujuan untuk recover vehicles yang mengalami kesangkutan didalam mud pool atau sebagainya. Selain itu bertujuan utk move heavy objects, and as the ultimate in 4x4 fashion accessories. Biasanya di "mounted" at the front, which is not the best position in many ways; it adds weight to a vehicle extremity and may require stronger springs, and it makes winching backwards difficult or impossible. Untuk competitor, mereka juga akan memasang winch disebelah belakang kenderaan sebagai persiapan.
Potensi merbahaya semasa winching amat ketara, tetapi pengawasan yang serious boleh mengelakkan sebarang kejadian yg tak elok berlaku. Keep innocent bystanders well away; a winch cable can snap and lash anyone in the vicinity. Do not use a snatch strap or other elastic device with a winch - you could be forming a powerful catapult. Gunakan strong winching points - a stout tree (use a trunk protector), a buried ground anchor, or another vehicle. Use good equipment and discard damaged winch cable. Mesti pakai tough gloves untuk protect hands from frayed strands of cable. Make sure that the cable of a drum-winch feeds on in neat, uniform layers, but if you are feeding the cable in, keep hands well out from the winch fairleads in case they are snagged and dragged in.
Electric Winch
PTO Winch
Winch jenis ini is the most common type. Boleh dikatakan antara alat yg mahal tetapi perlu ada pada setiap 4WD vehicle. Ia memerlukan modifikasi yang minimum untuk memasangnya. Cukup mudah untuk digunakan serta praktikal.
Electric winches menggunakan remote and puts a great strain on the battery, alternator and the winch switch-gear if used for prolonged winching. Boleh dikendalikan walaupun engine berada dalam keadaan 'mati' atau until the battery is flattened. It is common practice to fit dual batteries to cope with the load and to leave the motor running while winching to keep the battery charging to some extent. Kegagalan switching solenoid akan menyebabkan winch tak berfungsi dengan baik. So, kena standby spare solenoid ketika offroading.
The PTO winch is driven by the engine through the gearbox and a power take-off unit, usually mounted on the rear of the transfer case. WInch jenis ini sesuai unutk digunakan dalam kadar heavy duty yang berpanjangan. Ini kerana the engine has plenty of power, even near idle speed, and tiada solenoid digunakan dalam operasi kendalian winch ini dan tidak akan overheat.
Kotak gear dan throttle akan memberikan wide range of winching speeds. Namun begitu, kekurangannya akan terserlah apabila engine tidak menjana tenaga lagi (engine mati).
Selamat Offroading..
(sourced frm 4wdoline.com)
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