Taiping Offroad Club (TORC) initiated the Perak Jamboree 2011 that was held at Taman Tasik Kemunting, Taiping from 21st-23rd October and gathered the enthusiast all over the districts and states. M4W has the opportunity and drove up to the north in 7 vehicles with the families to grant a support for the organizer. (Kombet, Lagong, Wan10, K-Rog, Gogo, Sukri and Komeng) 

Taiping, the wettest town in Peninsula Malaysia, has chosen by the organizer, their home ground and dedicated for buggies and half cabins categories, motorcross and cub cross scheduled at the right moments as the rainfalls never give a time for them to get dry. The 4Wheelers dari KL, Kedah and Thailand taking part in the challenge this time and few pewter trophies with State of Perak logo shows the support from the local sports and youths exco member of the government. Congratulation guys..
While having the moments with local guys, M4W expecting for good food in Taiping. After the event finished, the GPS helps us much in getting to the right place to have the famous KueyTeow Doli, Ansari Cendol and Mak Jah Mee Udang in Kuala Sepetang for our dinner (selak Udang, baru nampak Mee). So, Taiping its not about Love..its makan heaven...
M4W not only offroading, we do 'Jalan Jalan Cari Makan"...
Keep on Makaning...=)
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